Blackjack For Blood Review
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- Blackjack For Blood Review Sheet
- Blackjack For Blood Reviews
- Blackjack For Blood Review Ign
Low limit blackjack allows real money gamblers to enjoy their card hobby at the lowest cost possible. Blackjack has better odds for the player than any of the other casino table games, so you have a better chance to win money and are likely to lose less cash if you don’t than any other game in a casino. From a player’s perspective, finding low limit single-deck or double-deck blackjack gives them the best value in any casino, whether it’s live or online.
The Blackjack model, like the Z Slayer, sports a 3.5″ barrel and is chambered in.45 Long Colt/.410 Gauge as well. This one is a bit more subtle and mysterious in its appearance with an entirely black finish and a silver spade on the hinge. Apuestamos Casino is an online betting site that launched in 2020 and is operated by Aspire Global International Ltd. The site focuses on the Latin American gaming market but does also offer services to punters in other countries around the world.
Land-based casinos need to turn their limited space into profits. Since they aren’t going to make much money with a low house edge at a low limit, you won’t find too many casinos even in Las Vegas offering $5 blackjack tables. In the online gaming market, low stakes blackjack is much more common. Besides bandwidth, players don’t take up space the way they do in a brick-and-mortar casino. Players also find it easier to visit the competitor’s casino if they offer a blackjack bonus, $1 blackjack games, or the same game with better odds.
- Title:
- Blackjack for Blood
- Author:
- Bryce Carlson
- Publisher:
- CompuStar Press
- Date:
- 1994
- 0-9633684-0-0
- Pages:
- 247
- Price:
- $19.95
Reviewed by Nick Christenson,
September 14, 1997In Blackjack for Blood, we have yet another example of theall-in-one reference for the aspiring card counter. The heart of thebook is the description of the Omega II card counting system and itsapplication in the casino environment.

The Introduction of the book describes 'The Good Life' that the professionalBlackjack player might enjoy. While the author is honest about how muchhard work it might take to prosper like this, I believe even the promiseof wealth, junkets, and the high life should be more carefully moderated. Few,if any, readers will ever attain this level of prosperity from the gameof Blackjack. While the promise of wealth and success may be attractiveto readers (and to publishers), I'm always uncomfortable with such claims.
The next two chapters are the obligatory explanation of the game of 21and an introduction to why this remarkable game can be beaten. The explanation of the game is sufficient, and the explanation of the reasons why is better than average.
Blackjack For Blood Review Questions
Chapter four covers basic strategy. It's amazing to me that despite thefact that every author agrees that there is only one correct basic strategy, no two books I can recall have the same charts. To be fair, the strategy can change depending upon the number of decks and what rulesare assumed and the differences are very minor. The tables in Blackjack for Blood are in line with what most experts agree is the correct strategy.
Chapters five and seven coverthe Basic and Advanced Omega II strategy. The Omega II is a powerful,balanced, ace neutralized, level two counting system. The author claimsthat a level two system (or, more specifically, this one in particular)is an optimum compromise between the power ofa multilevel system and the simplicity of a level one system. In myopinion, an aspiring card counter should always start with either a level one count or an ace minus level one or two count. Great firstcount systems, in my opinion, are the Hi-Lo, Hi-Opt I, KO, and maybe Zen systems. I believe someone should know what they're in for before they take on anything more complex.

Blackjack For Blood Review Sheet
The Omega II'sbetting correlation without an ace side count is a mere 0.92, its playingefficiency is an astounding 0.67. This is the best betting correlationof any level two count system of which I am aware. Once you add a side count of aces, the betting correlation rises to a fantastic 0.99.Though complicated, the Omega II with an ace side count is one of, ifnot the, strongest counting system available. It is an excellent choice for either the true professional or the mathophile.
Blackjack For Blood Reviews
One of my criticisms of card counting books in general is thatthey all claim to be the optimum balance between complexity and strength.This book is guitly of this as well. Personally, I'd prefer more honestappraisals of a count system's strengths and weaknesses. For example,if I were playing against four to eight decks, I wouldn't recommend anyone bother to learn anything more complicated than Wong's Hi-Lo.Playing correlation is unimportant, betting correlation is high, andit's simple to use. However, if I were playing against single deckgames where even moderate betting spreads were discouraged, I can'tthink of a better system than the Advanced Omega II, although if Iwere starting out, I might pick the Hi Opt I.
Blackjack For Blood Review Ign
The book also covers casino comportment: betting spreads, camouflage,cheating, tells, shuffle tracking, etc. in several chapters. In my opinion, these sections are too brief to be truly effective. One can't cover anythingmeaningful in the realm of shuffle tracking, for example, in a page.It seems like the author is content to provide superficial coverageof each issue. While this is better than nothing, a deeper understandingof these subjects would be helpful.
The last chapter is a 20 page advertisement for the Omega II BlackjackMachine, a set of computer programs the author has written for theApple II or Macintosh computers to help learn this system. At thetime of this writing, this information is moot.
In general, this is a good description of a very powerful, thoughby no means simple, card counting system. There are several waysthis book could be made better, including a single chart of the Advanced playing strategy, as one finds in the Wong or Revere books.Also, I'd like to have seen more detail on how to avoid detectionand such, but there are plenty of other good books to cover thesetopics. Serious counters, especially those looking to move up froma level one system to a more sophisticated one should definitelylook into this book, although I wouldn't recommend it for someonejust starting out. Look at one of the following instead: The World's Greatest Blackjack Book,Knock-Out Blackjack, or Blackjack Secrets.
Carlson has put together information on a very powerful card countingsystem. The book describes this system adequately and it's verywell worthinvestigating by advanced players. On the other hand, the book's descriptions of the fine points of the game lack as much elaborationas I'd like, and the Omega II is not, in my opinion, a good system for beginners. I recommend this book for serious players or folks looking to move up to a more sophisticated system.
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